We are currently auditioning for one feature film.
WHEN: Feb 22 (Tues) 2022 / Feb 24 (Thurs) 2022
TIME: 12:00pm - 3:00pm EST
While camping in the woods, a young couple’s attempt to help a lost child catapults them down a rabbit hole of terror.

MAYA (Female, 20-30*) a fastidious mother-to-be who’s read every book to prepare for her pregnancy... twice. Despite both her prodigious acquired and innate mothering skills, Maya will soon learn that there are some things in life you just can’t prepare for. Must be funny and have improvisational skills.
GOLAN (Male, 20-30*) an eccentric father-to-be running out of time to transform from his “Peter Pan” existence to responsible adulthood. While he might inhabit a juvenile, self-absorbed shell at first glance, there’s a hero within waiting to emerge. Must be funny and have improvisational skills.
*PLEASE NOTE: Although the characters are 20-30, you as an actor can be ANY age to audition.
What to know before you audition:
This movie will film over the course of a few weeks in Northern New Jersey in May 2022. Please DO NOT audition if you can't be on location when needed.
Yes, you will be paid. We will discuss payment with you if we offer you the role.
Please be at least 18 years old.
There are only two characters in the movie. This is your chance to get a leading role in a feature film.
Please DO NOT send headshots. Unlike other movies, your voice is what we are interested in during this first round of auditions.
You must have improv skills and be willing and able to create scenes with your partner based on suggestions from our director during production.
If we like your Zoom audition and want you for a callback, we will be in touch within a few days with next steps.
How to audition:
Click on one of the following links to view and print the sides for either the MALE or FEMALE role.
Use the scheduler below to sign up for the audition.
You will then receive a confirmation of your Zoom registration, which will also include more information about the audition.
Please Note:
The Zoom will be RECORDED, so when you register, you are consenting to MasiMedia recording your voice audition. If you do not want to be recorded, please do not audition.
This is a 3-hour audition window and you are free to join at any time during that timeframe. When you join, you will be placed in a waiting room and admitted in the order in which you joined, so there may be many people ahead of you. Our coordinator will text you privately while you are in the waiting room to let you know that you are the next person in line to audition.
When you enter the live audition, KEEP YOUR VIDEO OFF! You will be the only person speaking with the director who will immediately begin reading the sides for your part. There will be no small talk, please do not say hello or introduce yourself, just immediately go into the audition by acting your part. We will be 100% focused on the sound of your voice and of course the quality of your performance.
When your audition is over, please log out of the Zoom and we will contact you afterwards if we are interested in bringing you in for a callback.
If we don't recognize your name, we will NOT advance you from the waiting room to the live auditions! We will delete you from the queue if we can't match your name to the list of registered attendees, so please make sure your name matches your Zoom account.
NOTE: Zoom auditions have already taken place.